maimed person meaning in Chinese
- Arrangement and analysis of genetic malformation signs inspective data derived from omim maimed persons
残疾人群体遗传性畸形望诊资料的整理分析 - When insurant causes maimed person because of sufferring accident harm , the underwriter abandons insurance gold to fu can
被保险人因遭受意外伤害造成残废时,保险人给付残废保险金。 - Secondly , disability gives pay . when insurant causes maimed person because of sufferring accident harm , the underwriter abandons insurance gold to fu can
其二,残废给付。被保险人因遭受意外伤害造成残废时,保险人给付残废保险金。 - Accident harm medical treatment is safe and common not alone accept insurance , the additional risk accept insurance that injures dead maimed person as the accident however